What You Should Include In Your Hari Raya Shopping List
by Pei Ying Lim on April 08, 2022
It has already been a week into Ramadan. This means that Hari Raya is less than a month away. Instead of last-minute shopping, it's about time to come up with a shopping list for the Hari Raya Celebrations! Now here's the question – what should you include in your Hari Raya shopping list?
1. New Outfit For The Festive Season

Are you already shopping for your kebaya, baju kurung or jubah? Modern or traditional, consider these modest clothing brands, recommended by Honeycombers Singapore. There are countless styles and designs to choose from, so you can certainly find the perfect outfit for the festive season.
2. Hari Raya Decorations

Hari Raya is the time to visit and host visits by loved ones and relatives. The first step of getting ready to welcome guests is Spring Cleaning! As part of the Spring Cleaning, you should consider putting in the effort to decorate your home for the occasion. This will add to the festive atmosphere. Additionally, this can be done easily without spending too much. Simply purchase some themed decorations and soft furnishings. Whether it is a beautiful floral or minimalist design you are looking for, check out KSLIFE for our Curtains collection.
3. Light Refreshments for Guests

With both small home-based brands and large supermarkets offering early bird promotions, it is a great time to shop for Hari Raya goodies! Packet drinks, Dahlia Biscuits, Tapioca Cookies, Love Letters and Nutella Tarts are some of the most popular refreshments prepared for Hari Raya visitors.
4. Ingredients for Cooking Up Hari Raya Delicacies

What is one of the biggest guilty pleasures when commemorating the festive season? Feasting on food! Many choose to celebrate the end of Ramadan with Heritage Food such as Lemang, Ketupat, Lontong, and more! While it is not possible to shop for food ingredients in advance, it will save a lot of time when grocery shopping if you plan what to buy in advance.
Plan your shopping list ahead of time to ensure that you are 100% ready to welcome the festive season!